Heart and Circulatory Health

Homeopathy for the heart

Discover gentle options for optimum health

Homeopathy for:

Angina Pectoris

Angina Pectoris is a symptomatology that in 2009 affected an estimate of 30 000 to 40 000 people per 1 million of the European population, and approximately 9.8 million people in America, with tendency rising.


The heart may beat too quickly, too slowly, or with an irregular rhythm. While it is normal for ones heart rate to accelerate during physical activity or to decelerate during rest or sleep, it may do this at times when this is not normal.


Mimicking the symptoms of Angina Pectoris, gastro-cardia / Roemheld-syndrome has its causative factors in our life-style and nutritional habits. It’s a reflex heart symptomatology specifically caused by gastro-intestinal discomforts.

Varicose Veins

When legs suddenly feel heavy or painful, when ankles are swollen, the leg cramps, and the skin shows discolouration, then the blood circulation in the lower extremities may be limited and varicose veins may be the cause.

Homeopathy also works for Hypertension, hypotension, arteriosclerosis, varicose veins and other circulatory disorders…

The Heart

The heart is the muscular organ sitting at the centre of the chest between the right and left lobe of the lung. Within the thoracic cavity the heart is slightly tilted to the left, leaving about two thirds of it more on the left side of the chest and about one third on the right side. It is about the size of a closed fist and functions as a pump to the blood circular system of the body.

Its main job is to rhythmically contract and relax in order to make the blood move through the veins and arteries.

As such, blood that has been oxygenated in the lungs is pushed through the arteries transporting oxygen and nutrients to the various cells throughout the body. At the same time, de-oxygenated blood, that has already released the oxygen to the cells, is transported though the veins to the lungs for re-oxygenation.